воскресенье, 5 января 2014 г.

Metal Gear Solid HD Collection - First impression gameplay (1080p)

This video shows you a first impression of the HD collection of Metal Gear Solid. The remake of Sons of Liberty and Snake Eater is now playable on Xbox 360 a...
Video Rating: 4 / 5

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В 5 января 2014 г. в 11:36 , Anonymous Linus Daniels сказал(а)...

Shut up its amazing game.

В 5 января 2014 г. в 12:23 , Anonymous rbhavan сказал(а)...

I played MGS3 in hd, yes i downloaded from PSN. It's pretty cool,
especially the cutscenes... They look like ps3 visuals

В 5 января 2014 г. в 13:16 , Anonymous Chris Pennington сказал(а)...

Although MGS3 for the 3DS has updated gameplay (you can crouch walk, move
and shoot and everything) also the 3D looks really nice. Of course you do
have to aim with ABYX which is kinda weird at first but it's like Peace
Walker on the PSP.

В 5 января 2014 г. в 13:25 , Anonymous SolidSnake013Duds сказал(а)...

Whats the name of the song in the Ad?

В 5 января 2014 г. в 14:18 , Anonymous Alvise Vio сказал(а)...

@ZoominGames in the xbox360 version there are the achievements: 50 x 1000 G
for SoL & SE plus another 50 x 1000 G for PW

В 5 января 2014 г. в 15:14 , Anonymous sean harris сказал(а)...

Never liked peace walker but mgs 1-4 were amazing. I remember playing mgs1
on ps1 and I was blown away by the gameplay. It surprises me how we have
shit like COD on this gen consoles but on a console which was out over 10
years ago we had mgs. Seems like the more powerful the systems are the
weaker the games are!

В 5 января 2014 г. в 16:01 , Anonymous Balder Knight сказал(а)...

ITS 60 FPS and in PS2 was only 30 fps.

В 5 января 2014 г. в 16:44 , Anonymous tysonrss сказал(а)...

You hate Mgs2 because of it's top view camera lmao noob

В 5 января 2014 г. в 17:10 , Anonymous freshpri1 сказал(а)...

pretty sure dat an hd remastered game will still have da same controls

В 5 января 2014 г. в 17:51 , Anonymous Jdog5785 сказал(а)...

I know !! I try holding a guy up with an AK and accidently put a burst into
his back.

В 5 января 2014 г. в 18:38 , Anonymous Mr69hammertime сказал(а)...

Pure awesomeness

В 5 января 2014 г. в 18:46 , Anonymous rbhavan сказал(а)...

unfortunately yes :( After playing mgs4... i miss the aim n shoot
gameplay.... in mgs3 the controls feel broken now

В 5 января 2014 г. в 18:55 , Anonymous ZoominGames сказал(а)...

@matt78tv Sure just not in the Xbox 360 version :)

В 5 января 2014 г. в 19:23 , Anonymous silverbolt03 сказал(а)...

Is the controls still the same as the ps2 version or has it been give the
mgs4 upgrade?

В 5 января 2014 г. в 19:48 , Anonymous Grumpier Faceman сказал(а)...

Is This Worth Getting For Xbox... I Do Like (love) Stealth Games...
especially Tom Clancy Ones... Is There Any Online Type Modes.. Great If You
Could Reply ... Appreciate This Video, Shows Good Gameplay.

В 5 января 2014 г. в 20:23 , Anonymous tysonrss сказал(а)...

And what's wrong with Peace Walker?

В 5 января 2014 г. в 20:45 , Anonymous TheShadowBrigade сказал(а)...

@silverbolt03 Same

В 5 января 2014 г. в 20:53 , Anonymous Unclekantus66 сказал(а)...

MGS peace walker doesn't have actual iron sights?

В 5 января 2014 г. в 21:38 , Anonymous N00BSTERSProductions сказал(а)...

@Chris62007 I don't think mgs is really an xbox game but hey it's fucking
mgs what are you waiting for

В 5 января 2014 г. в 22:20 , Anonymous Nesmaniac сказал(а)...

I love it. Trophies are present right?

В 5 января 2014 г. в 23:08 , Anonymous raiden6662o сказал(а)...

wow... the textures look amazing.. and peace walker... crap that was
amazing.. kan wait to play it...

В 5 января 2014 г. в 23:31 , Anonymous Knut Kniffte сказал(а)...

@litofernandez1 thumbs up!^^

В 6 января 2014 г. в 00:09 , Anonymous angeldust971 сказал(а)...

This collection arrived to Finland 5 days ago. I'm trying to get money so I
can buy this. I've been waiting this for so long. I have played every
possible MGS (1, 2, 3, 4, VR Missions, Peace Walker, Subistence) and can't
wait for Rising

В 6 января 2014 г. в 00:58 , Anonymous TheGarryKE сказал(а)...

@MrCOCKofROCK It's a shame this new generation of 16 year olds will be
saying exactly that for COD in another 15 years time


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